Welcome to Mrs. Steiner's Science Webpage!
I am excited to begin a new school year. My Fall classes include Biology and Honors Biology. In these classes we will learn many new things about ourselves and the natural world around us. I will also be leading the Envirothon Club and coaching this year's Envirothon Teams.To learn more about each class or the Envirothon Club click on the links above.
Parents: To check on your child's current grade and completed work please log into Powerschool's Parent Portal. If you experience difficulties in logging into this site please check back later.
Embryology Study
some of the pictures from a past embryology study. Can you determine which stage of development each embryo is in?
Surveys of Enacted Curriculum (SEC)
is a program in which educators in a particular subject area can review their current practice and compare the different levels of concentration in specific areasof given subjects and howwell the allocated timespent aligns tothe importance of the subject according to national/state standards.
SCIENCE CLASSES, Fall 2014 and Spring 2015
Envirothon Competition
This is our 5th year of Vermont State Envirothon Competition.
Collaborative Sessions with other Schools
In the past I have mearged my classes (forensics, biology, AP biology) with other classes of the same topic in other High Schools. In these exchanges our students participated in science activities at recipricol high schools and the students at these high schools came to BF to participate in an activity conducted here. So far we have participated with other schools in Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachuesetts.
Network Leadership Meetings
The Vermont State Department of Education provided professional development workshops in the subjects of English, Mathematics, and Science.These workshops were conducted by other Vermont educators that have worked collectively in the state-supported teacher network leadership program. These workshops aimed to provide inservice training that was more of an exchange among educators in developing "tools" for better practice rather than the lecture style delivery found in conventional programs.
Activities We Have Engaged In
Here I am loading centrifuge
tubes for our DNA separation.
Some of My Past Involvements
21st Century Skills
Educating youth today includes the use of technology in the classroom and aquiring stronger inquiry and critical thinking skills.These skills will be required of our students entering the job market. .